Abbas Deris: Facing Imminent Execution as One of the Few Witnesses to The Islamic Republic's Mahshahr Massacre


The Islamic Republic's Supreme Court has upheld the death sentence against Abbas Deris, who was arrested in connection with the November 2019 protests in Mahshahr. As one of the witnesses to the brutal crackdown on protesters in November 2019, his case raises significant concerns about human rights and justice in the country. With his life hanging in the balance, his story has captured the attention of many who seek to prevent this apparent injustice.

The Mahshahr Massacre Unveiled:

During the protests that erupted in November 2019 following a sudden increase in gasoline prices, IRGC forces responded with extreme violence, resulting in what is now known as the Mahshahr Massacre—security forces' use of military-grade weapons led to the loss of hundreds of innocent lives. 

Abbas Deris's Arrest and Coerced Confession:

Following the protests, Abbas Deris was arrested on charges of "enmity against God (Moharebeh)," a severe offense under the Islamic Republic's law. During interrogations, he was coerced into confessing to firing shots at security forces. This forced confession was later broadcasted on Iran-state TV, further raising doubts about the legitimacy of the process. However, Abbas Deris vehemently denied involvement in the violence during his trial, maintaining his innocence.

Upheld Verdict Despite Flawed Case:

Despite the apparent flaws and concerns surrounding Abbas Deris's case, on July 4th, Fereshteh Tabanian, his lawyer, announced that Branch 39 of the Supreme Court had upheld the death sentence. The decision sparked outrage and disappointment among human rights activists and supporters who argue that the evidence against Abbas Deris is far from conclusive. Fereshteh Tabanian has expressed her intention to pursue a retrial, hoping to shed light on the flaws in the case and seek justice for her client.

A Mother's Plea for Mercy:

The impending execution of Abbas Deris has left his family devastated and desperate for a reprieve. In a heart-wrenching video, Deris's mother made an emotional plea to the authorities, urging them to halt her son's execution. With three children, Abbas Deris is a witness to the Mahshahr Massacre and a father struggling to survive and protect his family amidst the impending tragedy. The weight of the situation took a toll on his wife, Kefaye Hizbavi, who tragically passed away due to a stroke induced by the mental pressure surrounding her husband's imminent execution.


The case of Abbas Deris shines a spotlight on the broader human rights concerns and issues of justice in Iran. As the sole witness to the Mahshahr Massacre, his life hangs in the balance, and his execution would not only extinguish a potential source of truth but also perpetuate a sense of injustice. The outcry from human rights advocates and the heartfelt pleas from his loved ones underscore the urgent need for a fair and impartial review of his case. The world watches with bated breath, hoping for a last-minute intervention that would spare Abbas Deris's life and pave the way for accountability and justice for the victims of the Mahshahr Massacre.


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