Support Our Cause

Since October 2022, following the death of Mahsa Jina Amini and the onset of the revolution in Iran, Iranlovers has held consistent protests and rallies, individually and in collaboration with other activists and groups in Toronto, to amplify the Woman, Life, Freedom revolution in Canada and the international community. In recent months, we have also raised awareness by creating social media content about brutal government human rights violations such as executions, and serial chemical attacks on students, arbitrary imprisonments in hopes of reaching a broader audience and amplifying Iran's voices. We believe our nonviolent resistance in raising awareness and organizing protests will be helpful to our dear compatriots in their fight for freedom. 

Thus far, our efforts have been financially subsided by donations from selling T-shirts at our protests. We are incredibly grateful to those who have been kind enough to make donations. However, as our efforts grow and we organize more extensive protests and rallies, the financial need to support these protests and rallies also grows. 
Our request is for your kind financial donation (big or small amounts are all welcome) to help sustain the needs for these protests and rallies (i.e., sound equipment, banner, stage, signage, etc.) 
Please note that GoFundMe requires its users to establish a target amount to be reached.  You can e-transfer your donation to .
As needs change and opportunities arise, we will share them with our donors. Please don't hesitate to contact us with further questions or concerns. 

We thank you in advance for your donation and are grateful for your participation and commitment.