Four Young Baluchi Men at Risk of Execution in Iran

The Islamic Republic's escalating use of the death penalty against persecuted ethnic minorities has endangered the lives of four Young Baluchi men. Officials have sentenced Ebrahim Narouie, Kambiz Kharout, Mansour Dahmardeh, and Shoeib Mirbaluchzehi Rigi to death based on torture-tainted confessions in sham trials. 

It is important to note that the IRGC has heavily targeted cities such as Zahedan in the province of Sistan and Baluchestan and Baluchi citizens with brutality since the onset of the revolution in September of 2022. 

Plainclothes agents arrested Ebrahim Narouie (25) in Zahedan on October 3, 2022. Ebrahim was convicted of “spreading corruption on earth” following severe torture and his sham trial, denying him legal representation. Following his arrest in October, Ebrahim was taken to an unknown location where authorities subjected him to torture-tainted confessions and later transferred him to Zahedan prison. Ebrahim’s family could not locate/contact him for the first few weeks of his detainment. Ebrahim is currently politically sponsored by Canadian MP Pierre Paul-Hus.

Security agents arrested Kambiz Kharout (20) in Zahedan on October 1, 2022. Baluchi human rights activists have revealed Kambiz has been subjected to severe torture with electric shocks and beatings. In addition, Kambiz was denied access to legal representation during his sham trials, where he got convicted of “spreading corruption on earth” and “enmity against God” and sentenced to death. Kambiz’s family has rejected all the charges against him by the Zahedan prosecutor, Mehdi Shamsabadi. Kambiz is currently politically sponsored by Belgian MEP Anneleen Van Bossuyet

Mansour Dahmardeh (22) was arrested in Zahedan on September 30, 2022. Mansour, who is reported to have physical disabilities, has been subjected to severe torture, sexual violence, and beatings resulting in his hospitalization for several days. Mansour has been charged with two death sentences for “spreading corruption on earth” and “enmity against God.” German MP Anikó Glogowski-Merten is Mansur’s current political sponsor. 

Shoeib Mirbaluchzehi Rigi(18) was arrested on October 5, 2022, in Zahedan. His sham trials took place in December 2022 without Shoeib having access to legal representation. The court has convicted him of “spreading corruption on earth” and sentenced him to death. Security agents further tortured him after the news of Shoeib’s torture and death sentence was widely shared online. Shoeib is politically sponsored by  Dorothee Martin, Sabine Bätzing, and Sylvain Maillard.  


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