Mojahed Kourkour Sentenced to Death By Forced Confession To Child Murder

The Islamic Republic has sentenced an innocent man from Izeh, Mojahed Kourkour, to death for killing nine-year-old Kian Pirfalak on November 15th, 2022. However, Pirfalak's and Kourkour's families have insisted he is innocent. 

Kourkour's family has stated that he was not near the site of the shooting and has been tortured into confessing to being guilty about the shooting. Kourkour's mother has appealed to Iranians to save his son from execution. 

Plainclothes officers targeted Kian and his family during a night of protests in Izeh while in their car. Kian's father, Meysam Pirfalak, was also paralyzed due to his injuries during the attack. 

Zaynab Molaei-Radm Kian's mom has shown her support for Mojahed and his family by posting a photo with Kourkour's mother at the sight of her son's grave. The Pirfalak family has also announced that their lawyer Davoud Shahvali has accepted Mojahed's case and will be defending him.Meysam Pirfalak, Kian's dad, has announced in a video that he has not and will not be filing a complaint against Mojahed Kourkour. "My wife & I saw with our own eyes that security forces under General Eidi Alipour's command fired at our car, wounded me, and killed my son."

Reports indicate that six others, including three other children, were shot dead in Izeh during the same night Kian Pirfalak was murdered. Authorities, however, claim these attacks were carried out by "terrorists" who seek to discredit the regime. 

Belgian politician Tomas Rogerman and Canadian MP Anita Vandenbeld have accepted the political sponsorship of Mojahed Kourkour, calling on Iranian officials to stop the imminent execution of Kourkour on false charges. 


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