Young Iranian Protester In Need of Urgent Medical Treatment Stranded In Turkiye

18-year-old Zaniar Tondro was injured by security forces during a peaceful protest against the Islamic Republic regime in Piranshahr, West Azerbaijan province, on October 12th, 2022. 

On October 27th, 2022, he was shot with 11 pellet bullets in the head and eye for the second time. As a result, Zanyar has lost his right sight, and his left eye's vision is also in danger. He is additionally suffering from hearing loss and paralysis. 

Although Zanyar received treatment for his medical conditions at different medical centers, the treatment measures were temporary and inadequate. Due to the danger and threats they faced, Zanyar's family decided to travel to Italy via Greece on March 26th, 2023, hoping to seek medical treatment for their son; where Greek authorities intercepted their boat before reaching Italy and deported them to the Muğla camp in Turkiye. 

It is important to note that Zanyar urgently needs medical treatment and faces deportation to Iran by Turkish authorities. For this reason, many Iranians and activists have urgently requested that world leaders issue a humanitarian visa for Zanyar so that he can seek the necessary medical care in another country.


Mojahed Kourkour Sentenced to Death By Forced Confession To Child Murder


Behzad Azizi, a 19-year-old Kurdish teen, was killed by direct fire by the IRGC forces.