Let's Help to Amplify Their Voices!

Take Action and Make a Difference.

As millions in Iran protest 45 years of systematic oppression and crimes against humanity, their voices are echoed worldwide. The Woman, Life, Freedom Revolution has united Iranians across all ethnicities, religious practices, beliefs, and sexual orientations. 

Educational Content and The Latest News From Iran

Upcoming Protests

Note: The statistics provided above are estimated and will be updated as new data is available.

What Actions Can You Take?

  • Join local protests and rallies in your city to demand that your government officials take ACTION.

  • In recent months, several Canadian officials have sponsored political prisoners in Iran who are denied legal representation. The government of Canada has also introduced several sanctions on the Iranian regime but has yet to list the entirety of the IRGC as a terrorist organization.

  • In addition to emailing your officials to sponsor political prisoners in Iran, you can hashtag the names of prisoners at risk of imminent execution in your posts on social media to raise more awareness.

This section will be updated with guidance on more "actionable" items to help Iranians.

Join the Fight for Freedom

Help us Bring
the Change We Need

"We do not kneel in mourning for our dead, but turn our grief and sadness into public anger against the Islamic Republic and continue to fight with greater unity and cohesion."

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